Tuesday, November 4, 2014


     If I had voted for a new governer today, I would have voted for Martha Coakley. I would vote for Coakley for many reasons, one being her focus on Pre-K education. I like that she promotes the idea of all Pre-K waitlists being put to an end. I believe that no child of that age should be denied an education. The later a child starts their education the less inspired they will be to learn. On a higher level of education, Coakleys plan to start tax free college savings accounts is a great idea. I think this idea is great considering I will be going into college In less then a year and I deffinatley don't need taxes weighing me down while I'm trying to save. Coakleys plan to allow workers to have up to 5 sick days a year if the company has 11+ workers is another idea she has that applies to my life. My work has 11+ workers but does not have more than 50. Coakleys plan allows me to still save up money even when I am unable to work. I have seen people try to use EBT cards in places they probublay shouldn't be. Coakleys plan to ban stores involved in EBT fraud is only a start, I believe she can eventually stricken where the EBT cards can be used and on what. Lastly, I do not agree with Coakleys view on Global Warming and her idea on energy audits. Though, I do agree with her doubling the funding to the MA Clean Energy Center, so they can do more and we don't have to worry!