Sunday, September 28, 2014


        In Family Guy's episode "E. Peterbus Unum", Peter's "country", Petoria has succeeded from the USA and has become its completely independent country right in Quahog, RI. Petoria is considered an  oligarchy government, meaning that a few people have control over a whole country. In this case it is Peter and partially Louis controlling Petoria. While having his own little country he enjoys a select few moments he enjoys of having a new Anti-Federalist, small government. For one, he enjoys forgein diplomatic immunity which allows him to commit minor crimes such as stealing, public urination, littering and plenty of other things without betting in trouble. Also another enjoyable aspect was being able to live and control his Goverment/ life on his own terms, he went by his own rules and ways. There were more consequences than anything. Quahog assumed Petoria was against the USA and assembled army troops to surround them at all times in order for them to possibly surrender. Also the USA shut down all there water lines, power, anything remotely accessible to them, making life a struggle for the family. Peter had the entire thing poorly planned out, he had no form of military, he had no way of getting water or supplies without being attacked and no form of school for their children. Peter and his family were living in a very depressing setting while Petoria was up and running. 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ratification of the Constition

        The ratification of the constitution was so difficult because at the time the 13 colonies were more like seperate countries rather than states making up a country like we have now. Some states had more of a federal opinion on how government should be while others (more in the south) had a more confederal government. Those who opposed the new idea of a ratified Constition were worried they would be robbed of there rights and were concerned about not having a bill of rights. At the time, many newspapers were being written and people were gossiping in the streets about this new form of potentional government. Because of this situation the south and north, or federalist's and confederates, were aware of eachothers opinions. Through the communication of the newspapers they could adress and debate what hey did and did not want. Eventually, the federalist's won over the opposing states and by 1790 they had convinced all of them to approve the ratification. 

Sunday, September 7, 2014

A Life without Goverment

     What would life be like without government? Some people believe that the government has too much power and they sometimes abuse that power. Others think the laws and regulations of the government are not fair or do not meet their expectations of what they think their American freedom should be. All these people have one thing in common, they do not stop and think about what their lives would be like without a government, they all assume they would be better off completley free. In my opinion, that's not the case.
      Without government, our every day lives would change dramatically. Our education, our crime rate, and daily necessities. It is because of taxes that childern K-12 can get a public education. If humans had the choice not to pay taxes, there would be no way to build and support a system. Imagine living a life knowing absolulety nothing, not knowing how to read or write. The government I able to give us an education system. Crime rates would also go up due to lack of government. Police officers, jails and laws would not exist. Murder, robbery, bribery, underage drinking and anything illegal would no longer be illegal... But it would be frowned upon most likely, I would hope. There would be complete anarchy with no laws being enforced. Lastly, our daily necessities would be effected. Our water supply is payed to be purified by our taxes to our local government, withou this government we would have no clean water supply. The foods we eat daily would be tainted with who knows what because there would be no government to say what is okay and not okay to include in our food. Our health would change due to no government. 
     I'm not saying we could not survive without a government, I'm just saying that living our entire lives with laws and authority figures is not as bad as people make it seem. Nowadays I think that humans, especially Americans are being ungrateful towards our government. They find the need to criticize and ridicule our nations government system because there is something better they could get out of being an American. The fact of the matter is, we have a government, yes we pay taxes and have strict laws, but the government is not going anywhere so why not just deal with it the best we can?