Sunday, September 21, 2014

Ratification of the Constition

        The ratification of the constitution was so difficult because at the time the 13 colonies were more like seperate countries rather than states making up a country like we have now. Some states had more of a federal opinion on how government should be while others (more in the south) had a more confederal government. Those who opposed the new idea of a ratified Constition were worried they would be robbed of there rights and were concerned about not having a bill of rights. At the time, many newspapers were being written and people were gossiping in the streets about this new form of potentional government. Because of this situation the south and north, or federalist's and confederates, were aware of eachothers opinions. Through the communication of the newspapers they could adress and debate what hey did and did not want. Eventually, the federalist's won over the opposing states and by 1790 they had convinced all of them to approve the ratification. 

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