Sunday, October 26, 2014


     In the movie Lincoln, there were many difficulties involved with the proposal and ratification of the 13th Amnedment. The one major reason being racism. If the proposal and ratification were to be passed that would mean four million African Americans would be free, taking any job they could possibly find. In the eyes of the confederates, this meant all the slaves would be taking all the "white mans jobs". This also meant that many of them would not be able to find a job and become poor. Lastly, this would mean that they could now vote and this ability would change the outcome of many elections to come. 
     Another problem during the 13th Amendments proposal and ratification is the fact that there had to be a 2/3 vote for it to be ratified. So, just over 50% of the states had to agree on the Amnedment. Considering Lincoln was a republican and many of the states voting against him were democrat, it was hard to convince them to pass the Amendment. Many of the representing democrats from democratic states believed Lincoln was running the country as if he was a dictator. 
     Lincoln used the Implied Powers necessary to pass the Amendment. He recruited Lame Duck Democrats and assured them jobs for life after their terms were over. He also told a little white lie about whether there were or were not peace talks occurring in the south. Overall, Lincoln, in the end just wanted peace to contingent to the 13th Amendment. Meaning that in order for the Amendment to be passed, the South must comply peacefully to it. 

1 comment:

  1. Wowwwww, this is very informational and stuff. I learned a lot and stuff.
