Tuesday, December 9, 2014

The Electoral College was created to eliminate direct election of the president. By basing each state by its number of Senators and their House of Representatives then adding more electoral votes for population, the president has the ability to win over a state all together; rather than win over the majority of votes throughout the whole country. In reality, the states electoral votes decide the fate of an election, even if the runner up won the "direct popular vote". For instance, in 2000 more Americans voted for Al Gore but due to winning the majority of the electoral college votes George W. Bush won. In my opinion I believe the electoral college should not be able to sway an election like it did with Gore and Bush. The idea of the Electoral College may have been a good idea back during the Constitutional Convention in 1787, but since then factors like social media, and type of nationwide campaigning was not considered. The Electoral College could still work, but it needs some major revising.

1 comment:

  1. All of your ideas are very clear and I think your opinions on the Electoral College are very interesting and informative.
