Thursday, April 16, 2015

Spoils and Merit System g

The spoils and merit system is a huge issue in Americas government system. The spoils system is when someone, usually a government official is given the job because they supported whoever their superior is. Also, after a political party wins an election, that is when officials give jobs to supporters and fans rather than experienced workers. The merit system is the complete opposite, when the political party gives the jobs to he people they know will be able to do a job right, based off of prior job experience. Of course the spoils system is still in works today, although it may not be as obvious. President's now-a-days may know that the people they hire to be their Press Secretary or Vice President will do the job right but in most cases it is usually a close friend of theirs. The spoils system occurred a lot more in the early 20th century when political parties were just beginning to grow and they strived to only have people who supported them and knew they were there for the long run work for them. Citizens now realize that electing a President is based on not who has the most followers but who has the best workers who will get them what they want.

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